To be updated every Saturday or Sunday night, with a dash of Monday morning thrown in.

About Me

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Me? Well, I'm curious. I love finding out new things and always learn best by doing. But more than that, I love writing about what I'm doing. That's what this blog is about actually. This blog is the outlet for all of my writings, be they about food, weather, society, or what have you.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Frustration, or, An Honest Try

The student stills and listens intently, cocking his head to one side. He readies his pen, preparing to write. After a long while of not touching his paper, he looks around confused, yet determined to not appear so and failing at this. Every bit of light reflected off his eyes cry out the question “What should I write about?” He stills again and listens..., willing his mind into a recorder. Others are writing up and down the room, busy with their enigmatic scribbles, attention focused on their papers as they listen. Not moving his body an inch, the student’s eyes dart from side to side, as if yelling “What are they writing about?” and “Am I learning?” and “What is there to learn?” He looks up... listens. He listens to the instructor... He listens to the sounds of more writing..., but his page remains blank. Franticly glancing up, down, side to side now, his eyes almost scream “I should be writing, but what?” and “Nothing stands out!” The student looks down at the table, then back up again. His eyes continue with “What have others written?” “What is there to write?” once more, and “Nothing stands out!” again... The student stills himself... takes a deep breath, and cocking his head to one side, listens.


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