To be updated every Saturday or Sunday night, with a dash of Monday morning thrown in.

About Me

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Me? Well, I'm curious. I love finding out new things and always learn best by doing. But more than that, I love writing about what I'm doing. That's what this blog is about actually. This blog is the outlet for all of my writings, be they about food, weather, society, or what have you.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Calm before a rain

The clouds aren’t necessarily the first thing you notice when you leave your sanctuary. The darkness? Yes. That’s it. Day seems to have a darker shade before it rains. People carry about their work before a rain. Life is normal, if not more peaceful ---, almost as if should you remain very relaxed and very still, you could hear the earth sighing in relief, fully ready to receive the cleansing shower.

Darkness ---. Of course it is the clouds that cause this, but they are never noticed first. Maybe third or fourth, or if they’re really lucky second. The effort they must go through to even be noticed at all ---! As if, eyes full of tears, they must ball and weep with loud cries throwing electrical tantrums as wide as a city to command a peoples’ attention so seeped in excess and distractions of their own device.

And so it rains---, and people pull out their umbrellas and galoshes and call their friends and hurry to work and indoors and places they can watch without fear of the wet ---, and, and, and ---, and complain.

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