To be updated every Saturday or Sunday night, with a dash of Monday morning thrown in.

About Me

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Me? Well, I'm curious. I love finding out new things and always learn best by doing. But more than that, I love writing about what I'm doing. That's what this blog is about actually. This blog is the outlet for all of my writings, be they about food, weather, society, or what have you.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

At Lunch I

It's the middle of the day, his first day in a new role.
To celebrate he tries something completely normal and goes to a place nearby where he has been told others go often: a pleasant eatery, now filling with the daily lunch crowd.
He takes it all in, recording every last detail like it would be lost forever. He observes it all, noticing the tables crowded with big parties, noticing the tables crowded with small parties, notices the small groups of single diners like himself, notices the pretty business girls and how professional looking the men are, then, in his drunken gazing he becomes aware of himself: a solitary figure at a table next  to the wall on his first day.
His food arrives, remarkably good. He takes the bill and pays (Noticing they charge for water!!!) before heading back to work, probably never to return alone to that place again.

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